
2023/12/12 公會活動
親愛的貴賓,我是第28屆台灣羽毛公會理事長詹賀博,感激各位在百忙之中抽空前來,其中更有不少貴賓遠道而來,在這個特別的日子中,參與我們台灣羽毛公會70週年的慶祝晚宴,這是一個值得慶祝的時刻,等一下會有陳焜耀榮譽理事長帶著大家回顧70年來的重要里程碑,我簡單就2023年最重要的兩件事,跟大家分享我的想法,以及相繼能夠圓滿落幕,對大家的感激。 Ladies and gentlemen, I am Herbert Chan, the 28th chairman of the Taiwan Feather Exporters’ Association. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for spending precious time with us at this Gala party for the TFEA 70th anniversary despite your tight schedules. Additionally, we would like to particularly welcome those guests coming across the continents to Taiwan to witness this important event. Thank you all for being part of the special and important moment to celebrate TFEA’s 70th anniversary. Mr. Yao Chen, our honorary chairman, will share with us later some of the most important milestones in the 70-year precious history of TFEA. And for now, pls. allow me to brief you on the two most important events that took place in 2023 and extend my greatest appreciation for all your kind help and support . 2023年是台灣羽毛公會成立70週年,羽毛公會成立於1953年。在2023年中,我想分享的第一件事,是公會發行品質標籤與抽檢系統,以一張公會吊牌的形式,與我們會員的優質產品一起,第一次呈現在消費者面前。許多年來,終端消費者面對不同規格的羽絨製品,只能藉著讀產品標示來知道,填充在裡面的羽絨成分、彈性,然而,標示的真實與否,卻很難有其他團體或系統來定期追蹤,這也使得市場上以次充好,產業秩序混亂,而公會由廠商組成,我們的會員特別期望台灣羽絨產業永續經營,在我的任期內,我們的目標是把追蹤得到的訊息,與消費者分享,讓優質廠商能夠被看見。過去前輩也曾經在羽絨製品的標示與品質分級上做過努力,受限於政府法規對公協會業務不得重疊的規定,我們僅能憑藉著「山不轉路轉」的信念,在今年開啟一個新的品質標籤與抽檢系統,期待越來越多消費者看見羽毛公會、信賴羽毛公會,邀請更多會員參與這個系統,也能因此得到越來越多的商機。 The Taiwan Feather Exporters’ Association was founded in 1953, this year we celebrate and mark its 70th anniversary. Among events of 2023, the first I would like to share is the quality label and the sampling system of random inspection. In the form of a label, the label with the product is presented to the end users for the first time. For many years, the only way to know the quality or specification of a down product is to read the label. Yet, there is no authority or group to verify it regularly. It makes shoddy goods in the market and chaos in the industry. The Taiwan Feather Exporters’ Association is composed of feather and down manufacturers. All members of the association are expecting sustainable business in the industry. During my term, I plan to disclose information to consumers and to make quality manufacturers get attention. In the past, predecessors made efforts in labeling and quality grading of down products. Even so, due to government regulations that prohibit the overlap of business associations, what we can do for now is to create a new system with the faith that I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination”. This year, we launched a new label system and a new sampling system of random inspection, to make consumers see and trust the Taiwan Feather Exporters’ Association, to make more and more members involved and they will have more chances for their business. 2023年另一件非常重要的是,在農業部輔導的T-TAS(國產羽絨追溯制度),在2019年成立,經歷過疫情三年僅能在國內宣傳之後,我非常榮幸能夠帶領公會,將T-TAS第一次踏出國門做推廣,第一線接觸潛在買家。我們今年在東京舉辦的T-TAS推廣座談會,帶著T-TAS會員光隆、合隆、詠星,向日本寢具廠商與成衣廠商介紹T-TAS,向日本廠商展示台灣精緻農業下,高品質的羽絨是如何生產出來的,同時,產地是一個影響羽絨價格的重要因素,連結了政府資料庫與第三方認證機構,讓台灣的產地證明得到更有力的支持,我非常期待,未來T-TAS推廣的過程中,能夠打造台灣原產地羽絨質優量少的品牌形象,這其中少不了農業部一直以來給羽毛公會的大力支持,再次感謝農業部江司長,沒有農業部,台灣羽毛公會無法走到那麼遠。 Another important event of 2023 that I would like to share is the T-TAS forum in Tokyo. The T-TAS, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, was established in 2019. We could not go abroad to promote the T-TAS during the three-year pandemic of COVID. What we could do was the press conference in Taiwan. This year, I am honored to lead the association to bring T-TAS outside of Taiwan for the first time. T-TAS members, including Kwong Lung, Hoplion, and Star Glory, got in touch with potential buyers such as manufacturers of bedding and clothing. We showed Japanese manufacturers how the down products of T-TAS are produced under the policy of quality agriculture. Meanwhile, the origin is quite a factor in pricing. When we are able to connect the government database and third-party certification, we make stronger support for the certificate of origin. I am looking forward to branding and marketing T-TAS in the future, for an image of the limited quantity and the extraordinary quality. The Taiwan Feather Exporters’ Association cannot make it without the support from the Ministry of Agriculture. I am grateful for the support received from the Director Chiang and the Ministry of Agriculture. Without them, we cannot go that far. 以上是我心中,台灣羽毛公會2023年最重要的兩件事,我特別想在70週年晚宴這個場合中,表達我的感激、以及我對目前已經走過的路引以為傲,更對將來更長更遠、還沒完成的許多事謙虛以待,並且與公會全體一起持續全力以赴。今晚是慶祝台灣羽毛公會成立70週年的慶祝晚宴,接下來還有來自IDFB主席Mr. Palmer的簡短祝福與其他貴賓的祝福,請大家享受接下來的節目與晚餐,再次感謝各位親臨現場,與台灣羽毛公會同歡,謝謝大家! The above are the two most important projects we have done in 2023. At this dinner party for the 70th anniversary, I especially want to extend all my gratitude with pride and share with you my expectations for a brighter future on this journey we have built up together so far hand in hand. And I will be humble about those undone and continue to do my best with the Taiwan Feather Exporters’ Association. Next, there will be a brief blessing from IDFB Chairman Mr. Palmer and other short speeches of distinguished guests here. Please enjoy the following program and dinner. Thank you again for being here and having fun with us. Thank you!
